We can offer You a holiday on the basis of rest "Sandy beach".
Built without a single nail on oak nagilah two-storey wooden house wonderfully combines the particular spirit of the Belarusian hut, and European comfort of the cottage. 7 cozy double rooms of 8 beds each with picturesque views from the Windows are always ready to welcome guests. Here is everything you need: satellite TV, refrigerator, microwave. El. kettle, crockery, WC and shower room, hot water. Like a big happy family, and together to relax here very nice for the body and soul.
A separate part of the grounds, private barbecue, private terrace with a large table. Feature two spacious separate rooms with bedroom suites with the possibility to sleep 8 people, the door to toilet and shower room. Near the entrance to the kitchen with gas stoves and utensils. All this 20 metres from the sandy beach. Smooth entry into water, sandy bottom, volleyball nets, a pier for fishing boats, a covered pavilion with a terrace on the shore, a sauna for 12 people with swimming pool. All this, in addition to the bath at all, regardless of the number of people is 35, 00 (350 000) Bel. RUB per day in weekday and 50,00 (500 000) Bel. RUB per day in the day.
Discounts for staying more than 2 nights and for two.
We are in the heart of the most picturesque places on the banks of the Chigirinsky reservoir in p. Radicina, where there are only 15 buildings. The village is located on a Peninsula near the mouth of the river Leprince. The surrounding landscape of water has a width of from 4 to 10 km. Large island with hills and some sandy Islands.
All entertainment included in the price.
Агроусадьба «Песчаный берег», долгожданное спасение от утомляющего ритма, шума и стрессов большого города, которая находится в центре самого живописного места на самом берегу знаменитого Чигиринского водохранилища в п. Грудичино. В доме усадьбы 7 уютных двухкомнатных номеров на 8 спальных мест.
Каждый номер имеет выход на отдельную террасу c рублеными столами и живописный вид из окон. С терраcы Вы входите в первую комнату номера, где находится камин и русская печь для приготовления пищи в чугунках (национальная традиция), кухонный гарнитур с умывальником, бытовая техника (холодильник, эл.чайник, микроволновая печь), посуда и удобная мебель. В спальной комнате: грубка-печь, кровать, шкаф, спутниковое телевидение, туалетная и душевая комнаты, горячая и холодная вода.