Min price per person:
General services
- Wi-Fi
- Parking for cars
- Fridge
- Kitchen
- Iron and ironing board
- Washing machine
- Kettle
- Microwave
- Catering service
- TV
- Hot water
- Banya
- Pool
- Veranda
- Fireplace
- Firepan
- Bar counter
- Household appliances
- Transfer
- Safe box
- Massage
- Medical procedures
- Banqueting hall
Entertainment and activities
- Garden house
- A boat
- Fishing
- Near a river
- Boat trips
- Kayaks
- Sandbox for kids
- B-B-Q
- Near a forest
- Hiking
- Bicycle rides
- Bicycles
- Children playground
- Ball
- Volleyball
- Football area
- Collecting mushrooms and berries
- Private beach and pier
- Tours
- Events are allowed.
- Payment by credit card is available.
Location on map
Миневичи, 27, Grodno region, Mosty district (~269 km from Minsk)
GPS coordinates: 53.51307, 24.17514