All Saints Church in Begoml – a unique monument of architecture, partly preserved to our time since the 19th century. Further – it is a small town in Vitebsk region, Dokshitsy district.
The local all Saints Church attracts tourists from our country and abroad that enveloped in the spirit of the Belarusian culture and provides an opportunity to experience true rest in Belarus.
The Church was built in 1886 with funds from the Treasury and donations from parishioners. Earlier this place was located the Unitarian Church.
The Church has an unusual architectural style, which is called the retrospective-Russian. Similar to the architecture of the Church was built by the famous architect Konstantin Thon. In the styles all of these structures reflected the political views of the Russian Empire.
Many years the Church of all Saints in Begoml belongs to the most beautiful buildings in the Vitebsk region. The structure was crowned by seven domes, and the walls had a thickness of about meter.
After coming to power of the Bolsheviks as the temple began to deteriorate. In 1930 it was closed. The Church property was plundered, demolished the bell tower and broke the iconostasis.
In the postwar period in the temple located distillery. In the Soviet period the Church was not restored, so the building gradually decayed. In 1991 the Church was returned to believers, after which there made small repairs and resumed service.
In 2006, the decision of the special Commission, it was decided that conduct Church services unsafe due to the dilapidated condition of the building.
At the moment the rear wall of the building, and the right side has a gap, which was formed as a result of the collapse of the brick, the roof of the building collapsed. Keep a small room immediately behind the door and stone fence.
Today it is difficult to talk about the possibility of reconstruction of the building. Despite the recognition of its historical and cultural value, no endeavor to restore the Shrine. It is unlikely the local population and the priest without any additional help will be able to restore the building to its former grandeur and beauty. Services are held in the former emergency room of the regional hospital, although the doors of the temple, you can find the schedule of services.
I would like to believe that the current work on the project on the restoration of local shrines, which are a protected historic monument, will be able to restore the building to its previous form. With great confidence we can say that this place will be one of the items included in the tourist routes in Belarus.