Village Akhremovtsy of the Braslav district of the Vitebsk region may surprise tourists who prefer holidays in Belarus. Here is located an ancient chapel-a tomb of them. Of Christ The Savior.
In 1858, on the outskirts of Efremovtsev cemetery, Earl Plater erected the family chapel. The hill on which is located the tomb, is next to the road Braslav-Deep.
The building is a small linear ensemble, consisting of a Central chapel, two lateral, arched entrance gate and fence.
Chapel-tomb of the name of Christ the Savior in the village of Akhremovtsy – Belarusian architectural monument in retrospectively-Gothic style miniature two-towered single-nave Catholic Church. It is a brick building of rectangular shape, covered with a gable roof. The main facade, behind which hides the main volume, made in the form of two towers and stepped Attica between them.
Traditional rose window decorates the building above the entrance. On the tops of the towers are metal spires with crosses. The side facades has Lancet Windows, illuminating the hall. Single architectural ensemble of the chapel and create a gate arched fence.
It is an old building, usually included in various tours around Belarus or weekend tours.