One of the few partially surviving monuments of architecture of the period beginning of the 12th century is the Church koloska. The Shrine was lit in honor of the angels defenders princes Gleb and Boris Vsevolodovicha.
In 1183, a fire occurredwhich completely destroyed the Cathedral, the lower part of the city, after which the Church became the most important city of the temple. In the old days when the Church was built a monastery. The main architect of the Kalozha Church is Peter Milner.
The unique architectural plan of the Kalozha Church is similar to the earlier Gorodensky Cathedral. This fact gives grounds for the assumption of the existence of a unique in Grodno school of architecture and crafts, which included the use of ceramics, grinding gemstones, and applied art. Today koloska the Church is the only partially surviving buildings relating to the Grodno school of architecture, which is unique.
The Church of Boris and Gleb is a cross - domed, six apses and temple. Unique masonry use bricks and old bricks as decorative ornaments. The Church is not plastered from the outside, which allows to observe features unusual walls.
During a landslide in 1853 part of the Church disappeared under the water surface of the river Neman. Not have survived as cupola and vaults. From 1995 to 2005 with the support of UNESCO, work was done to strengthen the river Bank and now the cultural – historic heritage in danger. Currently, the state of the Church deacon and two priests. At the Church there is Sunday school and brotherhood. The hallmark of the Kalozha Church is the choir, which is part of the diplomats of the festival of Orthodox chants.