Braslav is one of the most beautiful and bewitching regions in Belarus. Undoubtedly, everyone who comes here, this land is a marvel and a delight. Before the tourists who come on holiday in Belarus, a picturesque area with pristine lakes, thick pine forests, whole chains of hills and many well-preserved monuments of architecture and culture.
The grave of Stanislav Narbut in Braslav – one of its main attractions, which is located on the remains of the earthen fortification ramparts of the famous Castle hill. Weekend tours at the Braslav lakes includes visiting of the graves of this man, who has done so much for residents.
With the name of Stanislav Narbut closely connected with the history of Braslav. It was an unusual man, who combines humanism, diligence, compassion and professionalism in medicine.
Stanislav Narbut graduated from the University of Munich in 1879 and came to Braslav. But here he could not treat people as necessary was a Russian diploma. So Narbut came to Tartu University and graduated in 1891. The rest of my life figure associated with Braslav.
Stanislav Narbut as a rural doctor, wanted in Braslaw was built a new modern (at that time) hospital. Less than 2 years he was able to build the hospital, which was opened in 1906. It operated over 90 years, successfully fulfilling its functions. Today it is still called nabutovsky hospital.
After the opening of the hospital, Stanislav Narbut began active surgical operation, infection control, and high infant mortality. He was always ready to help people even for free if the patient did not have the money to pay for treatment.
Narbut for a long time took part in public activities: head of the fire brigade, was a Director and actor in theater, participated in the work of the insurance Fund.
During the first world war he was head of the infirmary at the North-Western front. Wound received in the war for a time deprived him of the opportunity to practise, and only to 1919 he came back to her.
According to the legend Dr. Narbut spent my whole life trying to find a recipe of youth and longevity. And when he was about to die, demanded a pencil and paper, as his had an Epiphany. However, ingredients miracle cure he never had time to write.
Narbut had wanted to be buried on the Castle hill, where in life loved to visit. The monument is a lighthouse, which had been requested Narbut, evenings were lit by the police and he has served as a landmark for boats.
Dr. Narbut was an excellent physician, he has provided assistance to absolutely everyone: poor and rich. While he didn't care to pay people for treatment or not.
The doctor helped all diseases, including infectious – measles, scarlet fever, smallpox and others. At that time there were no antibiotics and immunization, so to save all failed, but Narbut did anything to cure the person or at least ease his suffering.
Dr. Narbut died 11 Mar 1926 as the result of a cold. He became ill when the bad weather went into the far area of the city to help the patient.
Stanislaus loved braslauye and after his death, decided to memorialize him. The Museum still holds the document in which Tomasz Jarek, a resident of Braslav, donates the castle to the site of their land to place it on the grave and the monument to the famous doctor.
The monument to Dr. installed on the Castle hill, is a massive cube on a concrete slab and Stella, surmounted by a lantern on a 10-meter height. The light from the lantern, which you can see from all the lakes and hills around the city, symbolizes the self-sacrificial work of the doctor.
On the territory of modern hospital in town is a bust of the famous doctor.