On earth, each area has its unique history. Was no exception and the Belarusian Braslav. It is a kind of calling card for Belarus – the country of blue lakes. The wealth of this region – clear lakes, lush forests and Golden sandy beaches – keeps the people of Belarus and share with the guests of the region.
Braslav – Belarusian lake district, where most of the lakes in the country. In these places there reigns an incredible harmony of nature, the shape of the hills, woods, swamps reeds, villages, small towns and villages, surrounded by interesting legends. Therefore, the Braslav region became one of the centers of tourism.
Green "city" is located 250 km from the capital of Belarus Minsk in the North-West of the country. Its territory covers more than 70 thousand hectares. More than 70 lakes are located in the Park. The extraordinary landscape of these places were formed during the geological history of the Earth. In the prehistoric age there was a glacier, bringing with him lots of boulders from Scandinavia and created the lake, the pits and the moraine hills.
History of Braslav are closely connected with the lakes, which are the hallmark of this region. As soon as the guest enters on the land, it immediately visits the wonderful feeling. Comfort of Braslav complement and small shops, quiet bikes and smiling locals. People living in these areas appreciate the fact that they got such a beautiful corner of the Earth, and try to make it even more beautiful.
The main wealth of the region are, of course, the clear blue lake. The amount of water surface is more than 180 square kilometers. Each of the lakes attractive in its own way and has its own unique features. All of them are included in the natural complex, which is as if specially created for lovers of ecotourism.
In the Park housed more than 30 tourist sites – monuments, architectural composition and interesting archaeological sites.
The deepest lake in the Park – Hair (the depth is 41 meters). In this pure water, clear up to 8 meters in depth. Rare species of underwater inhabitants live here – planktonic crustacean limnocalanus and relict misida.
About 30 species of fish inhabit local lakes. In the waters of the national Park "Braslav lakes" are found:
In deep lakes inhabited by smelt and vendace.
In the Park a great variety of vegetation over 31 hectares of area is occupied by green spaces. Mostly they are concentrated in the southern part.
More than 1,300 species of plants grow here, including 50 of the protected. Among them we can find the following:
About 80 percent of the breeding birds of the Belarusian lake district live within the Park. 45 birds listed in the Red book of Belarus – the black stork, black-throated diver, herring gull, osprey, common crane and many others.
There are more than 45 species of animals, including the protected brown bear, badger and lynx.
Mount beacon is the most famous lookout point on Braslav lakes. Here are daily crowded with many tourists wanting to capture the spectacular view from the mountains. Around there are numerous hills bearing the original names of grandfather refrigerator, Bald mountain, Stone hill, and others.
The height of the mountain the lighthouse is about 45 meters 174 meters above sea level. Its name is due to the fact that in the early 20th century, then set about surveying the lighthouse. Today, here is equipped with a special viewing platform.
To the South of the hill you can see the Church of the village of Ikazn and castle hill, and in the West the Church of the village of Slobodka. Mount beacon include a guided tour of the Braslav region.
On the territory of the Park includes a gazebo and Parking for the night. In such places it is nice to retire your company.
The people of Braslav honor their history and culture, because during the holidays you can attend festivals, fairs, exhibitions of artisans, folk and religious holidays. National Park is always open for guests who are willing to appreciate the incredible beauty of these places.
Lake Drivyaty center of the national Park "Braslav lakes". On its shore is located the tourist complex Drivyaty. The buildings are a variety of rooms, and next to them are equipped with spacious Parking, children's Playground, a lawn for picnics and a pier for ships. The property features a restaurant and a sauna are all kinds of communications – satellite TV, telephone and broadband Internet. In the tourist complex offers a wide selection of tours in the Braslav region. Tourist complex Gravati – perfect place for a relaxing and quiet stay.
Tourist base center zolovo is a cosy cottage, clean healthy air, lots of green space and limpid lake. To fully immerse yourself in the local flavor, guests will have the chance to live in the Belarusian house where you can bake bread, taste the sauerkraut and local delicacies.
Recreation center leoshki is located in the neighborhood of Suburb, known for its picturesque landscapes. Center leoshki is one of the most popular stops of tourists. Here are houses of different categories – from economy class to luxury.
At the recreation center Slobodka very comfortable, there is a rich local cuisine. Every summer at the base attracts thousands of tourists who return again and again for beautiful scenery and tasty Belarusian cuisine.
Watch: the Property and recreation camp at the Braslav lakes the Property in Braslaw and surroundings
Красивая и нетронутая природа
Отдыхал в июле 2015-го на одном из Браславских озер - на берегу озеро Недрово в деревне Устье. Очень живописные места, людей на удивление не очень много (если сравнивать с южными курортами на море :)). Возможно это и позволяет сохранять такую замечательную природу в первозданном виде.
Несколько раз хозяин агроусадьбы делал водную прогулку на катере по Недрово - я и супруга остались очень довольны, с массой впечатлений и хороших фотографий на память.
С погодой повезло, было жарко. Местные жители везде очень дружелюбные. Еще очень понравился сам город Браслав - очень клево смотрятся сосны посреди города!
Ехать из Минска на автомобиле комфортно, т.к. дороги везде отремонтированные. Обязательно приедем еще раз в следующем году, хотелось бы побывать на озерах Струсто и Дривяты!