Explore Listvyanka with a local expert

Learn about the personal stories of locals and explore the Listvyanka together

Tours to Baikal Museum and other places in Listvyanka

Be transported to the exciting wonders of the Baikal Museum in Listvyanka, where the beauty of nature and cultural heritage are intertwined. Located on the shore of Lake Baikal, this charming place invites you to embark on a journey full of discoveries and delight.

Immerse yourself in fascinating exhibits demonstrating the amazing diversity of the Baikal region. Walking through the museum with a guide, you will witness fascinating flora and fauna. From rare species of fish to amazing plants, every corner opens up a new miracle for you.

In addition to exhibits, the Baikal Museum offers a number of exciting activities for all ages. Join a guided tour to gain deeper knowledge from knowledgeable guides, or take part in interactive seminars to learn about the essence of local traditions firsthand. Enjoy a panoramic view of Lake Baikal from the museum's observation deck, where tranquility and beauty combine.

Treat yourself to culinary delights in Listvyanka, known for its delicious dishes of Baikal fish and unique Siberian flavors. Walk along the embankment accompanied by a tour guide, inhaling the invigorating air and enjoying the serene atmosphere. Whether you are looking for adventure, relaxation or cultural enrichment, a visit to the Baikal Museum promises an unforgettable experience.

Join us on this unusual journey with an individual guide to the Baikal Museum, where the wonders of nature and human history combine to create an indelible memory. Let the splendor of Lake Baikal captivate your soul and ignite a sense of awe that will stay with you for a long time after visiting.