Excursions to the Egoshikhinsky cemetery in Perm

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The Egoshikhinsky cemetery is located in the heart of Perm. From ornate and majestic monuments to outstanding figures to simple tombstones of ordinary people – each grave tells its own story.

Walking through the cemetery, accompanied by an experienced guide, you will see graves of different time periods and styles, which gives a unique opportunity to look at the history of the city. You can find the graves of famous artists, musicians, politicians and writers who played a significant role in the development of Perm.

In addition to historical burials, during a guided tour to the Egoshikhinsky cemetery in Perm, you can see and do a few more interesting things.

One of the popular attractions is the chapel, located on the territory of the cemetery. The chapel, built in the early XX century, is a fine example of Russian Orthodox architecture.

Russian grave

Another mandatory place to visit the Egoshikhinsky cemetery is the grave of the famous Russian artist Ilya Repin. Repin was an outstanding representative of the Russian realistic art movement and is considered one of the greatest artists of his time.

If you want to learn more about the history of Perm, be sure to check out the nearby Perm Museum of Local Lore. The museum features a wide range of exhibits and artifacts related to the city's past, including information about the cemetery and its significance.

Finally, if you have free time, take a walk around the nearby City Park. This beautiful park has many walking paths, sculptures and other attractions, and it is an ideal place to relax.

In general, a guided tour to the Egoshikhinsky Cemetery in Perm offers a unique and fascinating look at the history and culture of the city. From the beautiful graves and the chapel to the nearby museum and park, there is plenty to see and do during your visit.