Excursions with a visit to the Porosenkov log

Explore Ekaterinburg with a local expert

Learn about the personal stories of locals and explore the Ekaterinburg together

Tours to Porosenkov Log and other places in Ekaterinburg

What to see in Yekaterinburg?

Are you ready to embark on an unusual journey that will take you deep into the heart of history? Pay attention to the Porosenkov Log in Yekaterinburg - a place where echoes of the past resound among the natural beauty of the Ural Mountains.

Located on the outskirts of Yekaterinburg, Porosenkov Log is an ancient archaeological monument that preserves the secrets of the rich heritage of the region. Immerse yourself in the realm of mystery and exploration as you travel through this fascinating landscape, where layers of history are revealed with every step.

During the tour, you will be able to imagine that you are standing in the middle of an ancient settlement where whole generations of people once lived, worked and flourished. Exploring this place, you will be fascinated by the remains of dwellings, tools and artifacts that testify to a bygone era. Let your imagination run wild and imagine the daily lives of people who walked along these very paths many centuries ago.

A knowledgeable tour guide will show you a preserved wooden fortress, which testifies to the architectural skill of the past. Admire the skillful work of the masters and imagine the stories that are stored in its weathered walls. Walking through the remains of this ancient fortress, you will be transported back to the times of resilience, when communities united to protect their way of life.

In addition to the archaeological wonders, the natural beauty of the Porosenkov log is simply breathtaking. Immerse yourself in the pristine wildlife of the Ural Mountains, making your way through lush forests, meadows dotted with wildflowers, and crystal clear streams. Let the serenity of nature envelop you, and let your senses be rejuvenated by the symphony of birdsong and the gentle rustle of foliage.

Book an exciting excursion and let Porosenkov Log become your portal to a journey of discovery, where the secrets of the past come to life against the backdrop of the stunning Ural Mountains. Discover the secrets of ancient civilizations, plunge into the serenity of nature and let Yekaterinburg captivate you with its bright spirit. The wonders of Porosenkov Log are waiting for you, ready to offer impressions that will leave an indelible mark on your heart and ignite your passion for history and adventure.