Train schedule for the train station Берёзки-Дачные
There are 70 regular trains going through the stations Берёзки-Дачные.
There are only domestic trains going through this train station Берёзки-Дачные.
The list of the regions which are connected by trains going through this train station: Москва и Московская область, Тверская область.
From the train station "Берёзки-Дачные" you can buy tickets and visit the following settlements: Москва, Зеленоград, Поварово, Клин, Химки, Солнечногорск, Сходня, Алабушево, Решетниково, Подрезково, Ямуга, Фирсановка, Конаково, 2-е Моховое, Новозавидовский, Редкино, Тверь.
The average stop time on train station "Берёзки-Дачные" is 1 minute.
The longest stop time is 1 minute for the train 6501 Клин — Москва (Ленинградский вокзал).
GPS coordinates of the train station "Берёзки-Дачные" on the map: 56.11023, 37.03164.