Train schedule for the train station Первомайск-Горьковский
There are 2 regular trains going through the stations Первомайск-Горьковский.
There are only domestic trains going through this train station Первомайск-Горьковский.
The list of the regions which are connected by trains going through this train station: Москва и Московская область, Владимирская область, Нижегородская область.
From the train station "Первомайск-Горьковский" you can buy tickets and visit the following settlements: Москва, Муром, Навашино, Мухтолово, Арзамас, Первомайск, Сатис, Шатки, Вековка.
GPS coordinates of the train station "Первомайск-Горьковский" on the map: 54.86639, 43.80464.