Train schedule for the train station Янов-Полесский
There are 21 regular trains going through the stations Янов-Полесский.
There are only domestic trains going through this train station Янов-Полесский.
The list of the regions which are connected by trains going through this train station: Минская область, Брестская область, Витебская область, Могилёвская область, Гомельская область.
From the train station "Янов-Полесский" you can buy tickets and visit the following settlements: Минск, Барановичи, Дзержинск, Брест, Жабинка, Столбцы, Дрогичин, Ляховичи, Пинск, Кобрин, Полоцк, Ганцевичи, Иваново, Вилейка, Молодечно, Лунинец, Парафьяново, Фаниполь, Богушевск, Оболь, Шумилино, Витебск, Быхов, Жлобин, Калинковичи, Микашевичи, Могилёв, Орша, Светлогорск, Шклов, Житковичи, Рогачев, Гомель, Речица, Василевичи.
The average stop time on train station "Янов-Полесский" is 2 minutes.
The longest stop time is 4 minutes for the train 675Б Гомель — Брест.
GPS coordinates of the train station "Янов-Полесский" on the map: 52.12943, 25.55106.