Train schedule for the train station Камыссай
There are 2 regular trains going through the stations Камыссай.
There are domestic and international trains going through this train station "Камыссай". The list of all connected countries: Казахстан, Россия.
The list of the regions which are connected by trains going through this train station: Актюбинская область, Западно-Казахстанская область, Атырауская область, Мангистауская область, Оренбургская область.
From the train station "Камыссай" you can buy tickets and visit the following settlements: Актобе, Актау, Уральск, Бейнеу, Соль-Илецк, Кульсары, Алга, Кандагач, Аксай, Чингирлау.
The average stop time on train station "Камыссай" is 2 minutes.
The longest stop time is 3 minutes for the train 614Х Уральск — Мангистау.
GPS coordinates of the train station "Камыссай" on the map: 50.55803, 56.86043.