Train schedule for the train station 121 км
There are 21 regular trains going through the stations 121 км.
There are only domestic trains going through this train station 121 км.
All trains go inside single region: Москва и Московская область
From the train station "121 км" you can buy tickets and visit the following settlements: Москва, Жилёво, Михнево, Ожерелье, Пурлово, Богатищево, Узуново, Востряково, Видное, Домодедово, Кашира, Ступино, Барыбино, Акри, Шугарово, Белые Столбы, Топканово, Взлётная, посёлок станции Вельяминово.
The average stop time on train station "121 км" is 1 minute.
The longest stop time is 1 minute for the train 6002 Узуново — Москва (Павелецкий вокзал).
GPS coordinates of the train station "121 км" on the map: 54.77439, 38.30404.