Explore Bethlehem with a local expert

Learn about the personal stories of locals and explore the Bethlehem together

Things to do in Bethlehem

Why choose individual tours of Bethlehem?

The oldest city of the Holy Land is located on the west Bank of the Jordan River. It is the most popular pilgrimage and tourism center for travelers from all over the world. After all, the baby Jesus was born here. And all the sights of this place, one way or another, are connected with religion. Our erudite tour guides will organize an unforgettable tour of the most significant and important places, including basilicas and temples, churches and monasteries and many other unique objects.

You can explore this ancient city on your own, but only accompanied by our experienced guide can you feel the unique atmosphere of wonder and magic. During one of the excursions, you can get the most complete information about all the places of worship and wonders of Bethlehem from a professional guide. A good guide knows every corner here, covered with various legends. There are many such interesting places here.

In the catalog of our portal there is a detailed description of various excursions and tours around the mysterious city of Bethlehem. Here are some of the options:

The most important objects of the ancient city can be viewed during a day tour accompanied by our experienced guide. He competently organizes an excursion tour to cover as many interesting objects as possible.

Author's tours of Bethlehem

Sightseeing tours of Bethlehem will definitely capture a visit to the cave of Christmas. This is the most iconic object of the city, and of all believers. It was here that the baby Jesus was born. The Basilica of the Nativity of Christ, which was built in 326, rises above the cave.

Opposite the iconic cave there are no less important objects: the cave of the Bethlehem Babies and the cave of St. Jerome. Nearby is the main church for all Catholics – the Church of St. Catherine. These places are simply imbued with faith and a miracle that is felt everywhere. Our pro will tell a lot of amazing stories about these places and no less unique surroundings.

Unforgettable routes through Bethlehem and its surroundings, which our guides will offer, will definitely pass through the famous Milk Cave. Various legends that envelop this natural and historical object will explain its origin. The completely white cave will enchant everyone who sees it at least once.

To get into all this mysterious atmosphere, it is enough to apply for a unique excursion on our portal. It is very simple to do this. You need to choose the route you like on the website, make an application, and you can get ready for the road. If there are difficulties or any nuances, it is enough to contact our consultant. During the feedback, the specialist will answer all questions and select the most interesting route based on the customer's wishes. An excursion with our guide is safe, comfortable, rich and very interesting, we guarantee!