Train schedule for the train station Сандарово
There are 13 regular trains going through the stations Сандарово.
There are only domestic trains going through this train station Сандарово.
All trains go inside single region: Москва и Московская область
From the train station "Сандарово" you can buy tickets and visit the following settlements: Кубинка, Шеломово, Бекасово, Столбовая, Акулово, Сандарово, Львово, Киевский, Михнево, Малино, Усады, Новоеганово, Поварово, Жилино, Манихино, Москва, Апрелевка, Селятино, Рассудово, Алабино.
The average stop time on train station "Сандарово" is 1 minute.
The longest stop time is 4 minutes for the train 6972/6872 Яганово — Кубинка 2.
GPS coordinates of the train station "Сандарово" on the map: 55.25730, 37.44672.