Train schedule for the train station Жатва
There are 8 regular trains going through the stations Жатва.
There are domestic and international trains going through this train station "Жатва". The list of all connected countries: Россия, Казахстан.
The list of the regions which are connected by trains going through this train station: Омская область, Алтайский край, Павлодарская область, Новосибирская область.
From the train station "Жатва" you can buy tickets and visit the following settlements: Омск, Большегривское, Алейск, Коротояк, Камень-на-Оби, Карасук, Барнаул, Новоалтайск, Рубцовск, Топчиха, Поспелиха, Мамонтово, Шипуново, Сузун.
The average stop time on train station "Жатва" is 1 minute.
The longest stop time is 2 minutes for the train 110Н Рубцовск — Омск.
GPS coordinates of the train station "Жатва" on the map: 54.35819, 74.08450.